Why Our Customers Need to Upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11: A Security Perspective

July 30, 2024 | 3 min read


Author: Azizz Traore, WWCS Cyber Specialist


In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring the security of our systems is more crucial than ever. Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and outdated systems can easily become targets for attackers. Department for Science, Innovation and Technology reported 69% of large businesses reported suffering a cyber-attack or breach in 2023, highlighting the pervasive risk in today’s digital landscape (Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, 2023). Upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11 is a critical step in safeguarding your digital environment.

Here’s are the benefits of upgrading from a security perspective:

Enhanced Security Features

  • Advanced Encryption and Protection: Windows 11 introduces advanced security features designed to combat modern cyber threats. It includes hardware-based security components such as Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0, which enhances encryption and secure boot processes, making it significantly harder for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Improved Threat Detection: Windows 11 integrates enhanced threat detection and response capabilities. The new operating system leverages AI and cloud-based technologies to identify and mitigate potential threats in real-time. This proactive approach helps in preventing breaches before they can cause significant harm.

Mitigating Known Vulnerabilities

  • EternalBlue Exploit: One of the critical vulnerabilities that affected Windows systems is the EternalBlue exploit (CVE-2017-0144). This exploit, which targets the SMB protocol, was responsible for the infamous WannaCry ransomware attack. Upgrading to Windows 11 ensures that your system is protected against such vulnerabilities as it incorporates all the latest patches and security updates. Sophos’s State of Ransomware report conducted in early 2024 surveyed 5,000 IT/cybersecurity leaders, it discovered that the most common entry method was exploited vulnerabilities 49%.

Continuous Support and Updates

  • Regular Security Updates: Microsoft has ceased providing security updates for older systems like Windows 7 and has a planned lifecycle for Windows 10. By upgrading to Windows 11, you ensure your system continues to receive the latest security updates, patches, and enhancements, protecting against newly discovered vulnerabilities such as the one discussed above.

Compliance and Best Practices:

  • Keeping your system updated: It’s not just about immediate protection; it’s also about compliance. Many industries have stringent security regulations, and using unsupported software can lead to non-compliance, potentially resulting in fines and reputational damage. Windows 11 aligns with the latest security standards and best practices, helping your organisation remain compliant.


Upgrading to Windows 11 is not just an upgrade; it is an essential step towards securing your digital environment against sophisticated cyber threats. With enhanced security features, mitigation of known vulnerabilities, and continuous support, Windows 11 provides a robust foundation for your organisation’s cybersecurity strategy. Protect your data, maintain compliance, and ensure peace of mind by making the transition to Windows 11 today.